Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"I love my life, I love my life, I love my life"

I try to repeat the phrase in the title over and over again because I know deep down it is true.  I do love my life...I'm just very exhausted.  I do realize that some day all of this exhaustion will pay off, but really....I just need some sleep. 

Anywho, I always update this thing when I'm supposed to be's a temporary distraction from the impending doom on test day Friday.

In the past 5 weeks, our class has had 4 tests and we have another one this Friday.  It has been so crazy.  Also, we have had countless small groups and case studies and anatomy labs and microbiology and ICM and projects, quizzes and reports and the list goes on and on and on. As if studying for one of the FHT's of medical school wasn't difficult and time consuming enough (freaking hard tests), they have to add more to our plates.  You know, I know I signed onto this...I knew it would be hard, but do we really have to make it harder than necessary?  Come on people.  And yea yea, I know that it's supposed to prepare us for rounds and working in a team environment and making real life correlations between what we are learning but my goodness! 

Ok I am done. Really...I just needed to vent a little bit. This has been one of the most frustrating modules of medical school so far due to the insanely ridiculous schedule and work load.

Now, on to more good stuff.  This past weekend Michael and I went to the Miranda Lambert/Blake Shelton concert on the Redstone Arsenal.  It was my first country music concert, oddly enough, and I got to share it with was a nice experience, especially with him.  Then, we went to IHOP...haha...the only restaurant open really late ( well, pretty much) in H'ville.  Saturday was also a nice day spent with him and  my family.  So was Sunday.  I was really blessed this weekend.  I have missed home a lot, especially since I've been so stressed. Oh, my brother, Jonathan was home for a visit which was awesome!  And, I went running with Colton every day of the weekend, which was fun (and difficult!).   I enjoy spending time with both of my brothers.  They are a big part of my life

So now to update on the weight loss situation:
I've lost 12.4 pounds so far (in about 6 weeks).  I had a few weeks where I only lost like 0.8 and 0.2...slowed me down a little bit, but I think I'm back on track.  I had a health issue that prevented me from exercising for about 3 weeks.  Now I'm exercising again and it really helps me.  I'm excited.  I can start to see the change and my pants are getting all loose and stuff.  I just can't wait for more of it to come off of me. I'm really anxious to have this done with.  I know I'll still have to eat right and exercise for a's just the anticipation of the weight loss getting to me.  Maybe I should work on my patience.  I just can't wait to be who I was meant to be.  I feel that this is just another step in that direction.  :) 

Ok, I really should study now. Goodnight all.