Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Starting over...

So, I believe that last time I wrote, I had said that I was going to begin Weight Watchers in late June.  Well things haven't exactly worked out like that.  I didn't join in late June due to the financial situation not really being in order like I would have hoped; however:

I Joined Yesterday!!! Yay, go me! 

  I have very mixed feelings but mostly I feel relief that I am finally doing it.  Still
It feels as though I'm staring down the barrel of a very long gun.

It's hard not to look at the bigger the 80-90 pounds I could stand to lose  (although I would be OK with 70).  It seems like it might take 20 years after forever to do this.  But,  I think I will choose to look at this differently...set smaller goals.  For instance, in weight watchers, the first goal is 5% of your weight loss.  Which, for me is 10 lbs.  Then, you have a 10% goal,   which for me is 21 lbs.  Those two seem pretty manageable.  It's when I start thinking about the lifetime goal that I feel a little threatened.  So I won't...I'll take things 10 pounds at a time.  But,

I can't wait to start seeing a difference!  

 I was looking at some old pictures from my early years of high school.  I thought I was so fat!  I wasn't!  I wasn't as thin as many of the other girls but I had a really nice figure.  It's funny how now I wish I was that size again.  
In my adult life, I have never been thin.  I have never been at a healthy weight, and I am really looking forward to having this "burden" so-to-speak off my shoulders.  So, here we go...ready or not...

Here is my before picture: