Saturday, August 14, 2010

The music in my heart

My God is more precious than rubies, more than the finest foods and wines.
He holds onto me when no one else will or can.
He is my safety net when I'm falling.

I need you, Lord.
I know you are with me,
Show me how to feel you near.
You are precious to me, and like a deer who searches for a stream,
I'm searching for you.

Lord, my heart has been broken...
Is it your will? 
I will gladly take this path if it's what you want.

Oh, precious Love,  if only you were tangible.  If only I could feel you near.
Guess I'll have to wait til it's time to enter the gates of your kingdom.
Til then, I will be here...Here am I, send me.  
Send me to do your will.
Make me a new creature. 
Make me better every day
It doesn't matter how it's done, if it's done.
Because I would rather be broken than lost
Because I would rather hurt than hurt others

Show me....I'm waiting for your call.

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